MATERIALS: Felt Fabric, Silk Flowers, Beads, Hot Glue

I created these wings and owl headdresses for my husband Chelo and I to wear to an annual Halloween Ball in Philadelphia, PA in 2014. The theme for the ball was the movie “Labyrinth” with David Bowie. Chelo and I decided to rewatch the movie so that I could get some inspiration for our costumes. We sat down, put the movie on and the opening credits came on… The screen is black and in comes flying a beautiful barn owl. The entire opening credits is just an owl flying around with a black backdrop. David Bowie’s character would turn into this barn owl in the movie much like a vampire turns to bats when they flee. I immediately got up, looked at Chelo and said “We’re gonna be owls”. He looked at me and said “Are you sure? Don’t you want to watch the rest of the movie?” I told him “I don’t need to, I already know what I’m going to do.” Nobody at the Ball was dressed as owls, we were the only ones and everyone appreciated the unique take on the theme. Later we wore them again to go to the Snow Ball in Jersey City, NJ in 2016 and won best dressed.