“The Apple & The Tree” is made up of Sirena Mari Mercado and her father Manny Arancibia. Together they sing Chilean / Latin American Folk Music. Sirena Mercado was born in Chile to a large musical family. Her parents met and fell in love in the town’s church choir where her mother was the lead voice, and her father the choir director. Her parents married and became a beautiful duet that traveled throughout Chile winning competitions. Sirena’s family gathered to play music as a form of family quality time and togetherness. As a young child she would often attend her parents performances, and at nine years old she could sing her mother’s part to all the songs her parents sang together. Soon Sirena was also singing with her father at performances throughout the country. Though many years later her parents would go their separate ways, Sirena never stopped singing with her father. Together they sing typical Chilean Folk music and Latin American Classics, songs from their beautiful land, often drenched in memories and nostalgia. Their performances and gatherings often involve a guitar, some wine, a Chilean Bombo Drum and lots of singing. Their fond memories of the past and their beloved town of Valparaiso, Chile often fuel passionate and unforgettable performances. For more information please go to: